Agency and Transit

The Agency and Transit Department plays a strategic role in Cameroon Shipyard and Industrial Engineering Limited, CNIC. The international maritime regulations require that, all foreign maritime businesses should have a local representative, to facilitate their operations in foreign countries vis-à-vis their local administration, legal, social, commercial etc regulations and practices.
It is against this background that, the Founders of CNIC placed Agency and Transit operations at the center of their broad vision.
Practically speaking, agents of the Agency and Transit Department are the first to commence preliminary work immediately a deal is sealed between CNIC management and a client. Agency manages and handles the liaison between CNIC and her clients, CNIC’s client with local administrations, third parties, suppliers, etc.
The Department is the gate way/mirror between CNIC and her clients. Its main objective is customers’ total satisfaction and security in CNIC in particular and Cameroon as a whole.
It also plays the role of the client’s local representative once designated by the client for all yard /client related issues with CNIC, third parties, sub contractors, suppliers etc, in strict respect of the law and applicable regulations to ensure clients total satisfaction while with CNIC in a win-win relationship.
The Agency Service carries out: Husbandry operations, maritime shipping activities, port calls, maritime activities onshore and offshore, vessel management (supplies and provisions) logistic activities, air port services, crew changes & shuttles, transportation, accommodations, hotel reservations at special CNIC rates,
CNIC’s transit service operations benefit exonerations from VAT and Custom duties on shipments for her clients! The transit service manages the importation and exportation of shipments, equipments, materials, etc for CNIC clients VAT & custom duties free. It handles the clearing, forwarding and handling of shipments for CNIC, her partners and clients in strict respect of the applicable laws and regulations in cargo and vessel handlings.